About Us

Future African Scientist (FAS) is a non-profit organization founded in 2020 to equip early career scientists and undergraduate, as well as upper-secondary students in Africa, with the skills, infrastructure, and network they need to solve Africa’s most pressing challenges. FAS partners with leading scientists from reputable research organizations and institutes to offer both virtual and in-person training in scientific research and entrepreneurship to the most promising young scientists in Africa. All students who graduate from FAS become part of a lifelong network of scientists in healthcare, agriculture, and artificial intelligence, where they are continuously matched with opportunities(jobs, internships) to work on real-world projects and learn from industry experts.

Image of a male scientist examining samples

Our Vision

To inspire and enable early-career scientists in Africa to become catalysts for positive change and sustainable development.

Our Mission

To equip African early-career scientists with the skills, infrastructure and networks to conduct impactful research and lead innovative projects.

Impact by 2032

We aim to achieve the following impact by 2032:


Globally competitive early career scientists trained.


General purpose laboratories established across 12 African countries


New jobs, internships and fellowiship opportunities created for scientists in Africa.


Scientific enterprises created by our trainees solving local and global problems.

Our Core Values


We uphold the highest standards of professionalism, communicate openly, and always act in the best interest of our organization and community


We take ownership of our responsibilities, embrace feedback, and learn from our mistakes to deliver exceptional results.


We trust and support each other, leveraging our strengths to overcome challenges and achieve our goals through collaboration.

Lifelong Learning

We value curiosity, continuous learning, and development, recognizing their importance in staying ahead in the ever-evolving field of scientific research.


We are deeply committed to our mission, showing unwavering dedication, enthusiasm, and determination to impact the world positively through our work at FAS

Want to Support Our Mission?

  • Are you looking to extend training to a group of exceptional scientists working in healthcare, agriculture, and artificial intelligence?
  • Do you want to help establish research infrastructure to enable young scientists to conduct groundbreaking research?
  • Do you have job opportunities, internships, or projects that you want to share with talented young scientists in Africa?
Contact us today to explore how we can collaborate and support the next generation of African scientific leaders.
Radial support image
Future African Scientist Logo

Future African Scientist is a non-profit organization that equips early-career scientists and undergraduate students with the advanced research skills, infrastructure, and networks they need to translate research findings into products, policies, and practices.

Contact Us


+1(858)335-3902 / +256783370759

600 Main Street

Cambridge MA 02139.

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